Teacher Resource Page
Welcome to the C.A.R.E. Teacher Resource page! We are happy to share resources and we invite others to email us, if you have resources you would like posted on the C.A.R.E. resource page.
JSPAC 2021 Convening Teachers of Color Track
Center on the Ecology of Early Development
Fintropolis; Financial Lessons Along the Way
Diversify Early Childhood Leadership
California Community College Teacher Preparation Programs
University of Virginia Classroom Simulator
Cultivate Learning University of Washington
CA Perkins Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee
Humanizing Virtual Learning Guide
Join the California Community College Affinity Group
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
Engraved on the south wall of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s memorial in Washington D.C.
To develop curriculum and professional learning offerings that will empower, advocate, and transform the lives who will fight for social justice and human rights towards an equitable and inclusive world for all people.
To work in collaboration with educators, community members, youth, and existing humans rights and social justice organizations to provide opportunities for transformation through education and legislative reform.
"Justice is love in public"
-Cornel West-